In mainstream culture, representations of Arctic Indigenous peoples' lifestyles, practices, arts, knowledge and ways of thinking are often oversimplified and based on stereotypes. This misrepresentation in Western media leads individuals to perceive Arctic indigenous peoples through clichés such as cruel hunting practices, living in an igloo, over-consumption of alcohol or even a primitive way of life.
Besides, the oversimplification of Arctic Indigenous cultures leads to a homogenisation of these peoples, grouping them under a single vague idea and thus overlooking their specific characteristics and their many differences.
The aim of this webinar is therefore to discuss these stereotypes and the extent to which they are harmful to Indigenous peoples. It is also an opportunity to examine the roots of these stereotypes – is this either/or colonisation, lack of understanding, commercial and tourism purposes? - and thereafter give a more accurate representation of what the different Indigenous cultures are about.
Date and time: Monday 6th November, 2023 - 5PM GMT
Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network
North American and Arctic Defence Security Network